Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Being Intentionally More Like Jesus

Yesterday I had my "annual" review at work ... now, considering I've only worked there for just over 4 months, annual is a relative term.

However, our Executive Pastor wants to have everyone on a single rotation for annual reviews, so I was included. We did both comment that it is hard to call this an annual review in my case, especially since I've just recently completed my 90-day employment review. But we were able to discuss things, and today's blog post is a part of that conversation.

One of the areas discussed was personal weaknesses. Our leadership team had provided a list of areas in which many people often struggle, and we could pull our personal issues from that list or add some of our own.

One area I chose was having a stronger heart for lost people.

In my life, I really don't have anyplace where I intentionally encounter lost people. I spend my day inside a church, specifically inside the worship center of the church, building computer presentations, light shows, and working to improve gear and sets.

When I leave work, I head home and spend time with my family over dinner before we each head off to our evening events.

I simply don't make the opportunities to connect with those who need the message of salvation the most.

It is not because I adhere to the teaching of some denominations: don't [fill in the blank], don't [fill in the blank], don't [fill in the blank]; AND don't hang out with those who do!

I disagree with that philosophy completely. It certainly isn't what Jesus did. And, as Christians, shouldn't we strive daily to be more like Christ?

It is simply because I don't step out of my comfort zone.

I need to be more like Jesus. I need to open myself up to the opportunities to bless those who need blessing. Not simply by giving a few dollars from my wallet to the guy on the street corner. I need to stop and listen to his story. I need to share in his life for some time. Maybe that simple "touch" from another human being is what it takes for him to hold on one more day.

I need to hold more doors for moms pushing strollers, and offer to reach for the milk on their behalf when their hands are full with a baby and a toddler.

I need to drop a note of encouragement to the person who serves behind the scenes, often unnoticed, helping to show how appreciated their efforts are to the team.

I need to ...

It all comes down to a choice. I need to choose to be intentionally involved in the life of others. No more hiding behind the scenes, simply making a great environment for people to encounter Jesus. I need to step out of my comfort zone and touch lives.

Only then will I truly be able to say I am following in the steps of the Savior.

What area of your life needs an annual review today? Where can you push yourself in your daily activities to become more like Christ?

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