Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Where I Am Right Now

It amazes me how quickly time flies for me now. Just yesterday I was mowing part of the back lawn, our back lawn is divided into four distinct areas and I was mowing one of the four, when it hit me an entire week had passed since I has last mowed. Here I am mowing the second of four areas, and it had been a week since I'd started mowing the first of the four areas. Somehow, between mowing the first and second portion of the back yard, a week had passed.

That is just where I am living right now. Time is simply flying by, and I have no idea why it has changed. One thing I do know, I'm going to wake up one day and wonder where it all went.

I've recently left the church I spent the last year building, literally, because I no longer felt effective in the ministry to which they called me. After much prayer and deliberate conversations with my lovely bride, it became apparent that leaving was what we believed God was leading me to do. It was not an easy decision, I prayed and struggled for nearly two months, but time after time, the direction seemed to be, "Your work here is finished."

This move freed me up to start working on me again, something I'd left behind during the past year. I now make sure I feed my spiritual needs, read my Bible and pray, each day PRIOR to feeding my physical needs; food. This is a departure for me, helping me realize that it all truly does come from God.

But despite taking the time each day with God, I still feel like I'm stuck on a treadmill. I recently finished Don Miller's latest book, "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years," and through him learned life is a story and we have the power to control the scenes. Yet I still feel like life is flying and I'm simply marking time. Even my daily time with God, a new practice only missed twice in the past eight weeks, has not truly moved me to a place where I feel I'm making a significant navigational change to my "story."

So I find myself more frequently in moments like yesterday with the lawn mower, wondering how an entire week managed to squeeze itself between my mowing two portions of my own back yard.

I'll continue to wake up each day and spend time with God, both in His word and in prayer, prior to putting food in my mouth. This is one habit I can pursue that will lead to a better story in my life, even if I feel that time is moving so quickly I simply can't keep up the pace.

What new habits are you developing to help change the direction of your story?