Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making the Mature Decision Often Sucks!

I'm just going to say it ... sometimes making the mature decision sucks !! Don't we all want to be mature? Well, most of us do, I imagine. We want the freedom that comes with being responsible. We want to be able to guide our own decisions. However, sometimes doing the "right thing" isn't very fun.

About 7 months ago now I read a blog post by Donald Miller stating that his dream project, the Blue Like Jazz movie was not going to happen. He had joined forces with Steve Taylor to write a screen play based on his best selling book, Blue Like Jazz. The process of writing this screen play became another book by Don Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.

I've had the privilege of reading both books. I own both books. So reading the blog post stating the movie was not going to happen because they couldn't raise the necessary funding was depressing. And I'm just an outsider.

Enter two guys from Nashville who had an idea. They would use source funding through a site called KickStarter to help Don and Steve raise the balance of the funds to bring Blue Like Jazz to the silver screen. How much was needed and what things could Don and Steve offer as "incentives" to those who jumped into funding the movie?

I was only too happy to help. However, because 2011 was a good year financially, but not a banner year, I could only give a little to a project for which I wanted to give a lot!

Now, the movie has been shot, edited, and test screened around the country. I've followed the updates, as a supporter of the project I'm on the email distribution list. And finally, the day it will officially open is theaters is upon us. This Friday, April 13, 2012, Blue Like Jazz will be open to the public.

The problem, it is a limited release for opening weekend. The distribution company has little faith in the success of the movie (read the comments in the various blogs, etc. by both Donald and Steve), so the movie is being released in only a few markets. Additional markets will be added the following week, but in neither instance is Lexington on the list.

The closest theater for opening weekend is Nashville, TN, some 220 miles away.

Enter my current discouragement; I don't have the funds to make the trip. My job demands I travel frequently, and I've built up enough points a a hotel chain to have a free room in Nashville; score! However, I don't have the money for gas for the round trip.

April is an expensive month in my home. We have two sons with April birthdays, my wife loves to spend money so the Easter Bunny can come, and of course Uncle Sam, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and our local municipality and school districts all have their hands out wanting a substantial "donation" for the pleasure of living inside their jurisdictions (the tax man cometh!).

Add all this together, and despite having a free room, my wife having the ability to take the time off work (with pay, for the first time since joining her firm in March 2008), and our youngest saying he'd be willing to stay home and watch the dog; I can't go.

As I said, making the mature decision often sucks!

I wish I could say I came to this decision easily. However, if you follow this blog, you'll know I rarely come by things easily. Last night (Monday, April 9, 2012) was a restless night for me as I tossed and turned, wrestling with God about this decision. Today I woke up, discouraged, but hoping that somehow choosing to do the right thing will be sufficient to cheer me up.

It hasn't, yet.

And while I'd love to be in the audience on opening night, I won't. God has a plan for Blue Like Jazz; they've already done the impossible--made the movie. And while many in Hollywood are watching to see if a faith-based film made by mainstream people can be successful, while the team associated with Blue Like Jazz is calling on everyone they know to ensure a successful launch; God has a plan. Even without me in attendance, this movie will be a blessing to so many.

I just wish I could be there to celebrate that moment.

Alas, I will wait for another weekend to see Blue Like Jazz; one where the release is closer to my home. Come on Lexington theaters, pick up this movie !!

For more information about this movie, visit www.bluelikejassthemovie.com.