Friday, February 6, 2009

Too Honest?

Kelly was telling me the other night about a client's son-in-law. It appears this son-in-law recently tried to find employment at a grocery store, but was turned down.

I'm not sure the store, the town, or the name of anyone involved, but I just had to tell the world about this.

It seems the interview process included several scenarios. Our doomed candidate was asked, "If a family member or friend were to come through your lane, would you bag some of their items without scanning them?"

His answer? "No."

Another question was, "If someone came through your line, but did not have enough money for the items they had chosen, would you let them go with all the items if they promised you they would return with the balance of the money?"

Not having fallen off the turnip truck the morning of the interview, our subject recognized the potential for a scam, and answered, "No."

At the end of the interview our applicant was told he would not be offered the job because he was too honest.

I wonder what our future holds if honest people can't even find gainful employment at the neighborhood grocery? Oh, I know: corporate barons who steal from the masses to line their own pockets. Hey wait, isn't that already our reality?

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Unbelievable. I guess I wouldn't really want to work for someone who thought I was too honest.
