Friday, February 27, 2009

Are You Where God Wants You to Be?

I've been struggling with something for the past several weeks: "Am I where God wants me to be?" Most specifically, are my current career choice and my vocational goals in line with God's plan for my life.

Many may think I'm being too religious here ... does God really care how I pay my bills as long as I am in a legal, moral, and ethical position? I believe He does. I have a friend at church who I've had the "macro vs. micro" God conversation; does God delve into each and every part of our lives (micro God) or simply step in during the big moments (macro God). I believe that as a friend, God desires to be micro God, but as free-willed individuals we often relegate Him to macro God.

So you may believe I am placing too much at the feet of my God when I wonder if my current career choices are where He desires me to be, but I believe my thought processes are "spot dead on."

I've known for years my calling is to help the local church. I've simply struggled against the call because of personal financial goals. I want to be debt free (something Kelly and I continue to strive to achieve), I want to have a "safe" retirement portfolio (something nobody can seem to define in today's economic reality), I want to have a house, a boat, another motorcycle (Kelly is tired of riding on mine and wants her own -- or so I tell myself). I want the two week family vacation at the beach condo (rented, I don't need to own it), I want to be able to go out to a great restaurant simply because the urge comes along.

Yet experience tells me that people working in full-time church vocation don't tend to have those things; not those who can stand up to a 20/20 or 60 Minutes telecast, that is. So I've struggled through everyday life, chasing the almighty dollar at work, knowing I was not following the passion God had placed in my heart.

Until a year ago, when Kelly and I sold the Allstate agency and I began to contract for tech installations in churches. It went well the first several months, while I wasn't constantly working, I earned enough to keep the household afloat (when combined with Kelly's income). But lately, things have not gone so well. The company that was able to keep me working several projects in 2008 has not had sufficient work to keep me going so far in 2009. Money has dwindled and bills are going to pile up if I don't find income soon.

So I've been struggling with "where does faith in 'God will provide' intersect with 'I need to pay my mortgage'?"

While I still struggle to find the answer, I want to share the following I received from some friends today ...

A few questions to ponder as you are discerning:

1) Do you have a peace about where you are heading?

2) Does it line up with God's word? God definitely won't be leading you to something that does not align with His word!

3) Does it align with how God has uniquely shaped and wired you (your passions, talents, gifts, life roles, etc.)?

4) STOP doubting and trust that "still small voice."

5) Are you "abiding?" (John 15:5)

6) Is there fruit? If you make it your business to abide, there will be fruit (although not all fruit is visible).

7) Are there any confirmations?

8) Would your steps "bring glory to God?"

9) Could you be in a "waiting place" where character is being developed, or where you should focus on some learning before your next step?

10) Are your steps "surrendered?" i.e. If they don't go how you plan, what will your reaction be?

I hope my struggle to understand where God is leading in my life, and the questions my friends Kelly T. and Rosalie G. have offered will help you with some quandary you face in your life today. Remember, Lisa Hammond says "the most important thing you will ever do is become who you were meant to be."

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