Today, February 12, 2009 is the 200th anniversary of two historical men's birth. Both Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on this date 200 years ago. Both men have had a significant impact on history, one creating a new religion, calling it science, and one allowing a nation to be torn apart knowing it was the only way to ultimately ensure "that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure." So how does Google, perhaps one of the iconic businesses of that nation celebrate today? They change their logo in honor of Darwin, not Lincoln. Google may not realize it was the efforts of Abraham Lincoln and each and every American to come since that has ensured their success. It is the liberties they enjoy in this great nation, the opportunities that only America can provide that have given them the incredible growth they have experienced. Larry Page and Sergey Brin, you may believe Darwin is a hero, many do. But on this day, February 12, 2009, the hero you should be celebrating is not the man who has brainwashed a world into thinking he created science when he only created a new religion. You should honor and celebrate the man who saved the great nation that provided you the opportunity to become two of the first billionaires of the Internet economy.
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