Friday, July 2, 2010

My Friday Morning Prayer

I had a heavy heart this morning as I approached my bible reading and prayer time; there are simply too many things weighing on my mind, and it was reflected in my approach to quiet time. Yet, because I have committed to spending time with God each day prior to eating, I knew that despite my lack of desire, I at least needed to honor my pledge. So I picked up my bible and read II Corinthians 3.

Paul's argument that through the Holy Spirit, there is freedom was just what I needed to hear. I closed my bible and began to freely pour out my troubles to God. I openly listed each issue that was weighing so heavily on my heart, asking God for a miracle in that area of my life.

Beyond the current financial strains, the relationship issues, the fear of the future (as it pertains to ensuring I can provide for my family while pursuing my dream); I was also somewhat concerned about what to write today. Earlier in the week I had heard God tell me I needed to get back to writing regularly, and took that to mean I should blog daily as well as read His word and pray. So during my prayer time this morning I was also asking God what I should write.

The amazing thing was I could "hear" God talking back to me. There was a point as I prayed that I realized I was doing a lot of talking and very little listening. At that moment, I sensed it was a message from God and in my prayer said, "OK God, I want to listen," and I stopped praying and began to listen.

In that moment, old gospel hymns began to fill my mind. The first was the song "I'd Rather Have Jesus" and then I continued to hear song after song about Jesus. "Jesus Saves" was followed by "Jesus Loves Me" and then "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus." The message was clear; focus on Jesus, and the everything else will no longer be as significant.

For a moment I had peace and thanked God for His message to me. And then a miracle happened; I fell asleep. This is a miracle because I have not been sleeping well the past several weeks. I sleep an hour, am awake a few hours, and then sleep an hour again. I repeat this pattern each night until my lovely bride wakes up to go to work. It was a pattern I had repeated again last night. So this morning, at 8:30 am, after reading II Corinthians 3 and praying for a few minutes, God interrupted me, gave me a great message that the priority in my life should be His son, and then gave me rest.

Are you listening when God speaks in your life? What message has He given you and what are you doing with that message?

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