Thursday, June 6, 2013


Last night my lovely bride was telling me a story she recently heard about forgiveness. I felt it was appropriate to share here today.

My wife's friend, I'll call him Mr. Jones, was telling her about a time from his childhood. Mr. Jones had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. During one particular flare-up, he was in such pain and so sick his parents called the doctor. Hearing the symptoms, the doctor said bring the child right over and I'll take a look.

Well, this was Lexington, Kentucky in the 1950's, so when the family walked into the waiting room and the doctor noticed their ethnicity, he didn't refuse to help the boy, but he made him wait in a broom closet. All day.

It was after 6 pm when the doctor finally saw the child, and then only prescribed a couple of aspirin.

Mr. Jones' health continued to deteriorate, and he eventually ended up in the hospital. Fortunately, he did receive the care he needed and has gone on to live a productive life. He said he should have died, but God allowed him to live, get married, have children, and now grandchildren.

So where does the forgiveness come into this story? Mr. Jones told my wife that he didn't harbor any ill-will towards the doctor who he visited, despite the way he was treated simply because of his skin color.

So many of us would resent this doctor; he hadn't done his job because of racial prejudice. The doctor's actions could have resulted in Mr. Jones' death.

Yet Mr. Jones simply said, I forgive him. The world is full of imperfect people, of whom I am one. Jesus loved me despite my imperfections and I must show that same love to those around me.

It was a great reminder of the truth: to whom much has been given, much is expected. We have all received God's forgiveness, and should then pass that same forgiveness along to those who have hurt us in our lives.

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