Saturday, January 17, 2009

Outrageous Nonsense

While I don't often have free time on Saturday afternoons (most weekends I'm working as video director at church or on the road), sometimes when I'm not working elsewhere, we drive downtown to the Salvation Army to help with "Feed the Hungry." It was during this drive Kelly and I were discussing a sermon she had recently heard from a favorite preacher. I don't know his name, but Kelly hears this Cleveland, Ohio preacher on the radio. As a HUGE Michigan fan, I wonder if anything good could ever come out of Ohio, but Kelly seems to enjoy the message this man brings.

He is currently in James, a great book on Christian living. If you are not familiar with the book of James, take the next week and read all five chapters. It might take you a little longer than a week, this book is full of some heavy truths. However, as you dig deeper into the information provided by Jesus' brother to the early church, you will be shown a tremendous way of living.

The series is currently studying in the second chapter of James. This instantly brought the conversation around to verses 14 - 17.

Dear friends, do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense? James 2:14-17, The Message.

Talk about hitting right where we were at that very moment. How many Christians sit at home each weekend while 500+ bologna, mustard sandwiches are served to 80+ families each week? How many of those Christians are not even aware such activities happen on a regular basis?

As I'm downtown getting mustard on my shirt sleeve (it doesn't matter how careful you are, somehow mustard will get on you), we talked about how many other programs there are in Lexington to also help. Sunday those who need it can find three different serving locations. During the week there is always a government program or a faith-based program that is offering at least one meal. But Saturday, the only game in town is at the Salvation Army.

Had it not been for a wonderful lady who saw a need nearly 13 years ago, Saturday would be a very sad day for many people in Lexington. But this humble servant of God, a woman who knows her reward is in heaven and doesn't care much about the things here on earth, saw a need, and more importantly got her hands dirty so others less fortunate didn't have to spend a day without something to eat.

It didn't take some new government program, this weekly serve has spanned several mayors, governors, and presidents. It didn't take a mega church underwriting the bill for a multi-course meal. In fact, the only given each week is there will be bologna, mustard sandwiches. Everything beyond that is out of the generosity of local stores who have slowly heard about this weekly event and started to donate day-old breads, cakes, and cookies to supplement the bags handed out to everyone who graces the door of the Salvation Army between 2 and 3 pm each Saturday.

One person can change the world. What need have you noticed in your world? How can you get your hands dirty to help someone less fortunate than yourself? Or are you just anther voice spewing outrageous nonsense?

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