Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Who Even Thinks Like That?

In a recent staff meeting we read the account of the sun standing still from Joshua 10. Joshua and the Israelite army are fighting the five kings of the Amorites. They are defeating their enemy, but the sun is setting and Joshua believes the cover of darkness will allow his enemy the opportunity to regroup and potentially win the battle.

So, what does Joshua do? He prays to God, asking Him to hold the sun so the Israelite army can finish the battle and completely destroy their enemy.

The following week we studied Peter walking on the water. In Matthew 14 we read that it is the middle of the night and the disciples are fighting the wind. In the midst of this storm comes Jesus, walking on the water.

Remember, some of these guys are seasoned fishermen. They have lived on this water all their lives. Yet they are straining to keep the boat moving due to the rough waves (see John 6:18). That's the scene, and here comes Jesus.

Back to Matthew, and we see that Peter calls out, "Lord if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." (Matthew 14:28-NIV®) And Jesus says, "Come."

"Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus." (Matthew 14:29-NIV®)

I have one question for both of these accounts: "Who thinks like that?"

Name one instance in your life where you were facing something and you said, "God, I need you to do this impossible thing, this thing that only You can do, so that I may have success in my adventure."

God, make the sun stand still so we can defeat this enemy in your name? Most people would have said, "God, keep the enemy confined tonight so we can win the battle tomorrow."

Joshua asked God for the impossible; and God provided.

Peter saw Jesus walking through rough waves on the water and said, "Let me come to you."

Most of us would have said, "Jesus, the waves are pounding the boat and we are having difficulty rowing, can you calm the waves?"

Since the waves didn't calm down until after Jesus was in the boat (Mark 6:51), Peter was walking on rough waves.

We fault Peter for sinking. I think we should praise Peter for having the courage to step out of a wind-tossed boat on to rough waves to walk to Jesus.

I know I do not have the faith of Joshua or Peter. I don't even think like those men thought.

All I can do is continue to learn more about Jesus and in learning about Him be able to see that He really wants to do miraculous things; I simply have to ask and have faith.

Remember, in Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (NIV®)

Joshua had that faith. He asked God to cause the sun to stand still and it did.

Peter had that faith. He asked Jesus to let him walk on water, and he did.

I don't have that faith. But I'm trying to learn to think like Joshua and Peter. Because when I begin to see the world with new eyes, with "nothing is impossible" dreams, with the faith of a mustard seed; then I will understand just how Great is Our God.

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