Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Living After the Dream

Once again I find I'm in a transitional period in life. It seems to be happening more and more, the pace of life gets faster and transitions come more frequently.

My grandparents generation were often born, lived, worked, and died in the same town.

My parents left town for college, yet many of them returned to the town of their parents. However, it was also the generation that began to move away.

My generation is nearly 100% migrant. Only one of my in-laws live near the town in which they grew up (within 50 miles at least). The rest of the generation is scattered around the country.

Life changes. That much is true.

This transition has been difficult for me however because if you've know me over the past five years, you would know anytime I was asked how things were going, my standard response was "living the dream!"

I was!

God had blessed me with the opportunity to serve Him by traveling the nation installing AVL (audio, video, lighting) systems in churches. Despite the hard work and long hours, I truly was living the dream.

That ended just before Easter this year. The company for which I've worked shuttered their AVL division, leaving numerous employees and contractors searching for the next thing.

God was gracious however, providing me with an opportunity as Production Director at SoAcres Church here in Lexington, KY. The position provides me the opportunity to continue to work with church AVL gear, to train and develop volunteers, and to provide environments where His kingdom can be advanced, it's just different than what I've done for the past five years.

So, why do I feel the dream has ended?

I don't have an answer for that. However I found myself recently turning to Paul's writing to Timothy in the book of 2 Timothy 4:9-13. This letter was written while Paul was under house arrest in Rome, near the end of his life.

While I do not believe I am near the end of my life, I found comfort in Paul's words. He too had been living the dream, traveling the known world proclaiming Christ to everyone he met. Sure it was hard, he endured death on numerous occasions. However, now under arrest in Rome, having had his preliminary hearing; Paul knew the life he had enjoyed was changing.

And what did he consider important during this transition? Four things:

1. Friends - "Timothy, get here as quickly as you can."
2. Comfort - "bring my winter coat"
3. His books
4. The parchments - many believe this was a reference to the Biblical scrolls

So as life transitions around you, find the important things and make sure to hold them close.

What four things would you put on your list of "must haves;" things you simply couldn't face life without?

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