Thursday, September 2, 2010

God Provides

Being out on the road for almost three weeks in August did a number on our finances. Having not worked very much earlier in the year, we had exhausted our reserves. However, when I'm on the road, I need to be able to eat. I do my best to keep my meals costs limited, but $20 to $25 dollars a day is pretty much a requirement.

Unfortunately, not all hotels provide breakfast. When I get to stay at one that does, my daily expenses are lowered. This is a good thing. Unfortunately, of the hotels I used on the last trip, only 1 of 3 provided breakfast. At the rest, I used their resident Starbucks, adding $5 to $8 to my daily needs.

In addition, I had some expenses I had to pick up, gas in three rental cars, the cost of one of the rental cars, and some job site supplies. It all added up.

In order to make due, I used money that would have otherwise gone to pay our utilities. No, this is not a fiscally sound idea, but it was necessary this time out. I arrived home on Thursday evening, and the phone and electric were scheduled to be shut off on Monday. Over the weekend, my lovely bride and I went through our finances in an effort to find the money for these two bills that had reached critical need.

As He has done so many times over the last five years, God stepped in to provide. By shifting funds from one account to another, we were able to pay the phone and electric bills, holding off the disconnect. We currently only have $4 in one account, $5 in each of two other accounts, and $11 in savings; but we have a phone, Internet, and electricity.

Today is payday for my lovely bride, and the money will be used for food, gas in the vehicles, pay our water bill (today is the last day before that is disconnected) and gas utility bill. That should be sufficient to get us through another week until she is paid again.

I have a local job next week, so out-of-pocket expenses should be at a minimum. I am also waiting on payment for my time and expenses for the jobs in August, so cash is on the way.

It never ceases to amaze me how close we come to the edge before God jumps in with a miracle. After five years of finding Him to rarely be early, but never late; I still am in awe each time He shows up. That's a good thing, I imagine. I'd hate to wake up one day having taken God for granted. I always want to sit in wonder at His greatness, His love, and His generosity.

Where is God showing up in your life? Are you recognizing His presence and presents in your life, or are you simply taking the blessings He offers for granted? Find something in your life that is there because of God and take the time today to thank Him. You'll be glad you did!

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