Thursday, August 5, 2010

When Did We Forget How to Share?

From our earliest days on earth, we are taught to share. Little children on play dates are always being instructed by their parents to share their toys. In kindergarten, teachers continue the instruction to their charges; share the crayons, share your glue, share.

Even as we grow older, we continue to share. In part, due to the fact there are not enough books for every student, we share text books throughout our education. Some friends share clothes, passing them around their small circle. In college, several of us shared our cars with other students who didn't have a car on campus.

Somewhere in our life, however, this training that was so instilled in us as children is lost. As an adult, I don't remember the last time I shared something of mine, whether it was with a friend or family member.

Yet we are taught by Jesus that everything we have is from our Father in Heaven. The Bible says: "Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live." (I Corinthians 8:6, NIV) So if everything is from the Father, why do we hoard things for ourselves once we become adults?

Shouldn't we follow the teachings from our youth and share? If a friend has need of transportation, shouldn't we let them use our car? If we learn someone needs a place to sleep, shouldn't we offer our "guest bedroom" to them? If we see someone on the street who is hungry, shouldn't we get them some food?

I know you cynics out there will offer many excuses as to why you shouldn't help strangers, especially those who live on the street. And yes, in today's world there are many dangerous people, so I agree care should be taken. But in Hebrews 13:1-3 we read: "Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you." (The Message)

How many times have we missed an opportunity with an angel because we forgot what we learned as children? Find someone with whom to share your riches today, I have a feeling you might just get more out of it than they do!

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