Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Shepherds

Our church has been in a series called "How to Steal Christmas." It is about the ways our actions steal the true meaning of Christmas. Week one was "Give in to Greed." Through a 'greed based' outlook at Christmas (I want, I want, I want or worse I need, I need, I need), we miss the truth of this marvelous season. Week two was "Unwrap Unbelief" which focused on our tendency, especially in America, to simply not seek actual truth, but to settle for what society calls truth, or worse simply do nothing to pursue what our heart so desperately seeks.

Today we learned so many "Waste the Wonder." The pastor asked, "Have we allowed this story to become so familiar, we waste the wonder?" Or have we become so focused on our 'to do list' that we simply don't have time to revel in the wonder that God became man simply to save us.

Enter the shepherds. As you read the story in Luke 2, you learn a heavenly host came to the shepherds and told them of the birth of Christ in neighboring Bethlehem. And what was the shepherds response? They LEFT THEIR SHEEP to go find this baby.

Now I wonder how often you've been like me and read the story and never marveled at this simple act. Shepherds would defend their sheep, even to death if necessary. They certainly would not leave them in the fields. This announcement had to be something that was so important to them, their primary focus would shift.

Which is exactly what happened. Because even after going to meet the messiah, the shepherds did not immediately return to their herds, they continued to neglect their charges in order to spread the word of Jesus' birth. Please don't miss the importance of these acts we so frequently gloss over as we 'sterilize' the birth of our Lord. This one event some two thousand years ago has literally changed the world. It split history in two.

And it took shepherds from their flocks. Please don't waste the wonder this year. Please find some new truth in the story of the Incarnation. Please follow the lead of the shepherds and forsake everything you hold dear to meet this Christ and then tell everyone you meet about the encounter!

You will not regret the decision and it might just split the history of your life in two as well!

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