Sunday, December 13, 2009

Musings on my Life Group

I have joined a new church and a new life group since my last post. On October 1, 2009 I joined the staff of Hope Springs Community Church. Today (December 13, 2009), I became a member of the church. It is kind of funny to me that I've been on staff for 10 weeks but was not a member of the church. I guess that is common, there are some churches who encourage certain staff to attend a separate church so they can experience worship without having to feel like they are 'working' ...

However, joining the new church also brought me and my lovely bride to a new Life Group. Our old church called them small groups, you church might have a completely different name, but here at Hope Springs, we call them Life Groups.

And that brings me to my musings from our time together today. Our group has studied the book of Philippians since our inception in October, wandering from home to home, taking a verse, section, or chapter at a time. Because we meet every other week, we didn't finish this four chapter book until today ... and quite honestly, I don't feel we are actually finished.

But during the conversation on contentment (Paul states he has learned to be content in any circumstance in Philippians 4:11) ... the talk turned to the more communal living style of the first century Christians. We wondered if part of the contentment was from truly "doing life together" as opposed to what you find in most modern church life groups.

Unfortunately, we were not able to come to any answers, leaving only questions. Our group isn't ready to sell everything (like the first century church in Acts) and move into a community of faith house ... but some good questions were asked that I'd like to challenge anyone who reads this blog (which is very few, I imagine):

1. We have a member who was unemployed for over a year. The question I'd like to challenge you with today is who do you know that is unemployed? Who do you know that you can connect that person with in hopes of getting them a job? Have you asked your friend if they are able to make their mortgage payment this month, and are you willing to help or find those who can if the answer is "no, I'm short on money"? What if that unemployed friend needs food? Will you help?

Unfortunately, these questions were never asked of our life group member ... fortunately, shortly after the group coming together, he found employment. I'd like to think that had his situation continued, our group would have done the right thing. I certainly hope we will should a similar situation arise in the future.

2. We are a young group, but almost immediately, we began to support each other in daily prayer. Are you connected to a community that prays for you daily? Do you have a list of people for whom you pray daily? If the answer is no, why not?

I know this is far from what the early church experienced. I know that deep in my soul I long for deeper community. But I believe this group is going in the right direction. We will never sell everything and become communal, but I do hope that as a group living lives in separate houses we will be as close to the Acts model as is humanly possible.

That is my prayer ... I'm starting to believe it is also the prayer of many of my life group partners.

Be blessed!

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