Friday, January 9, 2015

A Fresh New Look

Have you ever had an "ah, ha" moment with something you have read, heard, and even taught before? That moment when you are studying something and a fresh perspective presents itself?

I had that moment this morning as I was reading Philippians 4:4:-7. I had memorized this passage years ago from the New International Version (NIV-1984).
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV-1984)
I'm sure this is a familiar passage to most of you. Even if you don't attend church regularly, you have presumably heard this passage referenced at some point in your life. But this morning as I was reading my Bible before starting my day, this passage fell fresh.

I try to read the Bible in a different version each year. However, because I was so unfaithful to my Bible reading in 2014, I didn't change versions when I launched into reading in 2015. This morning, I was reading from the New Living Translation (NLT).
Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it againrejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 (NLT)
I'm not sure why, but this morning I saw the "if/then" statement in this passage for the first time. Maybe it is because the NIV says "and" but the NLT clearly says "then" ... I'm not sure, but when I saw that "if/then" clause, this passage became so clear.

My job is spelled out for me through Paul's words:

1. Be full of joy in the Lord (entire books have been written on this topic).
2. Let everyone see I am considerate in all I do.
3. Remember the Lord is coming soon.
4. Don't worry (anyone have a song stuck in their head now?)
5. Pray about everything.
6. Tell God what I need.
7. Thank him for all he has done.

Those are my marching orders. Each and every day I need to do these seven things. It goes without saying that simply following these seven principles will make me a better person.

Don't worry... While tough to do, medical research shows that people who worry less have fewer medical problems. Worry leads to stress, stress leads to illness.

Let everyone see I am considerate in all I do... Have you ever shared a smile with someone having a bad day? The saying is true, "a smile is the one thing you can share and still take with you."

Being considerate is very similar. What if instead of rushing ahead as the traffic lane ends, I allow not one, but two cars from the other lane to enter ahead of me? What if I let the person with more items than me go ahead of me in the grocery store because they have two small children with them? What if I leave a note of encouragement for my child in their backpack the day of the big test? Not only will their lives be impacted, I will be positively affected too.

But the step that really opened my eyes this morning was "tell God what I need." Somehow in the NIV I had never translated, "present your requests" into "tell God what I need."

Doesn't this match what Jesus taught in what we call "the Lord's Prayer?" Jesus taught, "Give us this day our daily bread." That is specifically asking God to provide our needs.

My mind wanders to the passage from the sermon on the mount:
"You parentsif your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him. Matthew 7:9-11 (NLT)
God wants to give his children good gifts. But he also wants us to ask. I think that asking humbles us; it reminds us that this is a gift from God and not something we managed on our own.

And then after asking, we thank God for his provision.

Then God's part kicks in. This is the "then" part of the "if/then" statement: We will experience God's peace. This is a peace the world simply cannot understand. Because we lived life differently, following God's standard, not man's standard, we will receive God's peace.

God will sweeten the deal by guarding our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.

Don't read "prosperity gospel" here. This peace may not be fully realized this side of eternity. Paul and the apostles all suffered greatly on this earth. But today they sit in heaven with Jesus.

Yet even in the midst of their trials, they knew peace. They lived every day following these seven principles outlined here for us. Will you commit to follow them each day of 2015? Click below to share some instances where following these ground rules enhanced your life. Let's continue to encourage each other throughout this new year and beyond as we live life God's way.

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