Saturday, July 28, 2012

Honest, Open Feelings

Today is the family reunion. It's an annual event that my family manages to make every other year.

Let me set this up for you. We usually converge on Traverse City, MI on a Friday, set up trailers, RVs, and tents at my wife's uncle's house; and hang out until Sunday.

My brother-in-law has a nice camp trailer we've slept in a few times, but not the vehicle required to tow it. Two years ago, I pulled it up here from Hastings, MI, but the cash Explorer we bought last May does not have a hitch.

Enter my emotional roller coaster. I dislike camping in a tent. Sleeping in a queen-sized camper bed is rough enough. My preference is a hotel, with in-room jacuzzi.

So I'd begun to prepare myself for sleeping in a tent. But secretly, I was also looking online for SUVs I could purchase if a paycheck I'd been expecting came through.

Finally, however, I told God He was in control, and I'd stop looking at a replacement vehicle. The next day, my check was deposited.

Two business days later, I unexpectedly received another check. Now flush with cash, I still honored my vow and didn't even scan Internet ads.

We left Lexington Wednesday, spent Thursday on Hastings, MI, and started north to Traverse City on Friday. About half an hour into the three-hour drive, I noticed my battery charge indicator was running on the low side. A little later, I shut off the truck, and it wouldn't start again.

Really ?!?

So I got a jump-start from my brother-in-law (who had borrowed a truck and was pulling his trailer for us to sleep in), pulled into an auto parts store and had them test the battery and alternator.

This local store in Western Michigan off the 131 said the alternator was charging but the battery was dead. I bought a battery from him.

The indicator still remained low as we continued to drive north, so I found an Auto Zone (thank you iPhone!) in an upcoming town and pulled in. This test showed the battery was good (good news since it was brand new), but the alternator failed their test.

So I bought a new alternator from them.

Friday night, in the rain, I attempted to change the alternator myself. I pulled the old one, put the new one on, but couldn't get the belt back on.

So this morning (Saturday) I found a shop in Traverse City that is open Saturdays, arranged to have the Explorer towed here, and they are putting my truck back together ... Oh, but I also need a new belt tensioner because the belt is squeeling pretty loudly according to the shop.

So I wanted a newer vehicle, but I acquiesced to God that I would stick with my old one, even if I had to sleep in a tent (I didn't, yea God!). But now I'm out $100 for a battery, $200 for an alternator, and who knows how much for the tow, labor and replacement parts at the mechanic ...

So yeah, I'm not really feeling good about my car, or my decision to not go car shopping when I had money ...

But despite my frustration, I acknowledge God is God and I am not ...

And that is my honest, open feelings for today ...

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