Sunday, March 15, 2009

Has the Modern Church Lost Its Relevance?

I rarely read for entertainment any more. Most of the books I choose are some kind of non-fiction: leadership, Christian living, societal issues, etc. This is true of the book I am currently reading. In 1998, Barbara Enrenreich, an author, did some journalistic research on living at or below the poverty level in America and published her experiences in several US cities as an "unskilled laborer" in the book "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. I'm only part way through this book, but something Ms. Enrenreich wrote at the beginning of her second experience stopped me short.

Ms. Enrenreich has just arrived in Portland, ME. Knowing nobody, she notices there is going to be a revival tent meeting, and decided to attend. As a self proclaimed atheist, I'm not entirely sure why she chose this event as her first means of entering the community, but her description of the evening caught my attention.

"The preaching goes on, interrupted with dutiful 'amens.' It would be nice if someone would read this sad-eyed crowd the Sermon on the Mount.... But Jesus makes his appearance here only as a corpse; the living man, the wine-guzzling vagrant and precocious socialist, is never once mentioned, nor anything he ever had to say. Christ crucified rules, and it may be that the true business of modern Christianity is to crucify him again and again so that he can never get a word out of his mouth."*

As a Christ-follower, it often pains me to hear how atheists, agnostics, and other people outside of the church describe Christianity, but I have to admit, Ms. Enrenreich was pretty accurate in her assessment of modern Christianity. Churches today have become more about religion and self-perpetuation and moved away from the actual message of love Jesus brought to earth.

Sure, I can't agree with every word Ms. Enrenreich wrote; I don't consider my Savior to be a wine-guzzler. Vagrant? Yes. Socialist? Certainly.

Jesus came to dispel organized religion. He constantly fought against the Pharisees and teachers of Jewish law, telling them they were too caught up in their religious traditions to see God. If Jesus walked into the modern church, I'm certain His message would be identical to that given to the first century Jews. We have lost the message of Christ.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," still finds it way into many sermons and churches. Even great motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar tout: "The best way to get what you want is to help someone get what they want," a modernization of the golden rule.

But this is simply because it can be self-serving. You won't hear, "If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same." (Luke 6:33 - NASB) taught from many churches. Why would you when we live in a "What's in it for me?" society?

But that is what Jesus taught. "Love your enemy. Care for the widows and orphans. Do not repay evil with evil. Do not consider yourself better than anyone else. Sell all you have and give to the poor. Pick up your cross and follow me."

In the 21st century, where the wealth and prosperity gospel reigns, is Jesus muted by His church as Ms. Enrenreich suggests? In many congregations, yes. I hope those become fewer as His followers dig deeper on their own, searching for the Jesus that accepted women of ill repute to wash His feet in tears, ate with sinners, touched the unclean lepers, and showed the world women and children are as valued as men in every society.

May that Jesus reign in your life.

* Enrenreich, Barbara: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Metropolitan Books, 2001, pages 68 - 69.

Monday, March 9, 2009

When God Ran

Sunday I was producing at our Georgetown campus, thinking about what to share during the creative team's communion time, and the lyrics of a song came to mind. The song, "When God Ran" was originally recorded by Benny Hester, but I was introduced to it by Phillips, Craig, and Dean.

Based on the story of the Prodigal Son, this song talks about God in a way many people often miss. Since we our church is currently studying Jesus through the eyes of Doctor Luke (author of the Gospel of Luke), and since the story of the Prodigal Son is found in Luke 15, I felt this song and a reflection on the Prodigal Son would be a great lesson for communion. I was amazed, however, at how much it hit me.

To better gain context, please click over to and watch Phillips, Craig, and Dean set up, and then sing the song, "When God Ran." Then come back here and check out my thoughts.

Having watched the video (I sincerely hope you did prior to reading on), maybe the rest of this will also have a profound impact on you today.

As part of our study of the book of Luke, we are hearing from different people through video clips, people who study the scriptures: historians, theologians, priests, etc. On commented in his video spot at our small group last night that we often miss the important things of scripture because we read scripture with our 21st century bias. In order to really understand scripture, you have to look through the eyes of the people to whom Jesus was speaking. Doing that, there is a new appeal to the story of the Prodigal.

Asking for his share of the inheritance wasn't a simple request of an heir asking for an advance on his trust fund. We see that every day in America (think Paris Hilton, et. al.), so we can often miss the importance of the request that was readily understood in first century Judea. This young man insulted his father by asking for his inheritance. He was in essence saying, "Dad, I want you dead so I can get what is coming to me. My life would be much better enjoying the riches of your labors than it is simply living in your house."

As a father, the pain of our father in the story, becomes real when I understand this version of the request of the son.

Another point that is easy to miss is in the midst of the story, the point when the Prodigal returns home. Reading "
And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him" (Luke 15:20 - NLT) in the 21st century doesn't really carry much meaning. We can easily gloss beyond the three letter word "ran," jumping straight to the embrace and kiss.

"Yes! The love of a father. Unconditional acceptance of his Prodigal," we say. But skipping that three letter word misses another truth not lost on the first century Jews. Men did not run in public in Jesus' day. To do so would bring dishonor to that man. Running towards a son who had wished him dead, squandered his money, and now is returning would be much worse. Jesus' listeners understood this. Unfortunately, many twenty-first century readers don't.

So, seeing this father run would have caused shock and horror in the minds of the listeners. Those who understood the deeper meaning (this story is an illustration of how God treats us, His children), would have been unconscionable for Jesus' original listeners.

Yesterday was a good day of resting in God's gracious arms. Knowing the "Immovable Rock" ran towards me, wrapped His arms around me, kissed me, and welcomed me home after I'd told Him I much rather He was dead was a good place to be.

I hope knowing a bit of the "story behind the story" also helps bring new life to the Prodigal for you. Rest knowing the God of the Universe ran to you when you after you had rejected Him and wished Him dead to you. Know His love for you eclipses anything you may believe, feel, or dread. He is your resting place. Find solace in that today.